This web site is the start of a wonderful future.

First of all thank you for visiting and come back soon.

My life partner and our baby.


Most of the money made from this website goes this amazing boy.
Most of the donations will go to making money.

Splish splash
I plan to start with low cost ways to make money first.
Some of the ways will be I tunes apps.
And I have ideas for some inventions.
The big money maker will be my new penny auction
website that will be done before the year is up no matter what.
Then after I get a good chunk of money I will find a good
stock broker and invest it. Only part will go in stocks.
And as soon as I double my money I will take half of money out and watch.
The other part grow as I trade it and invest in more with the profits.
By that time I should be pretty set up and I will make trips to
talk to people about ways to make money and how I became successful.

I know also when u make a lot of money u need to give some back and I plan to do.
More than my share of doing just that. Are world needs are help.
Most money I give will go to cleaning the ocean and keeping wild life safe.

Please donate every penny helps.Thank you.